Polar Bear Pirates and Their Quest to Engage the Sleepwalkers. Motivate everyday people to deliver extraordinary results

Книга  Polar Bear Pirates and Their Quest to Engage the Sleepwalkers. Motivate everyday people to deliver extraordinary results созданная Adrian  Webster, Phil  Williams может относится к жанру зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес. Стоимость электронной книги Polar Bear Pirates and Their Quest to Engage the Sleepwalkers. Motivate everyday people to deliver extraordinary results с идентификатором 28304610 составляет 1530.79 руб.

Conquer complacency and transform your team into a happy, winning crew. Polar Bear Pirates are highly focused, successful characters, they can’t help but motivate everyone around them and just like you; they love to have some fun. In their latest quest, they take on the Sleepwalkers, the workplace zombies who are with you in body but never take a step beyond the ordinary because their minds have drifted into sleep mode. Going through the motions, thinking the same old stuff and delivering the same results, they stand out like beacons of disappointment. Sleepwalkers can be found orbiting Planet Complacency. This place is in the arch enemy of success! It is a huge planet, more powerful than the inhospitable Rock Bottom, it appears to be a comfortable, safe and popular place to be. Yet this silent assassin is responsible for snuffing out millions of dreams and kidnapping untold potential. Stepping Beyond Ordinary The Polar Bear Pirates’ mission is to re-awaken dormant talent and release untapped potential. Join them and meet a cast of amazing characters, from Neg Ferrets and Bloaters, to Amps and Vamps. One thing’s for sure, you’ll come out the other side inspired and ready to get the best out of your team and the people around you. Polar Bear Pirates shows you how to motivate everyday people to deliver extraordinary results.

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Adrian Webster, Phil Williams работа о ведении малого бизнеса в жанре зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес

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