Power Stories. The 8 Stories You Must Tell to Build an Epic Business

Книга  Power Stories. The 8 Stories You Must Tell to Build an Epic Business созданная Valerie  Khoo может относится к жанру зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес. Стоимость электронной книги Power Stories. The 8 Stories You Must Tell to Build an Epic Business с идентификатором 28306338 составляет 2332.64 руб.

Learn to tell stories that have the power to inspire, motivate, and sell Storytelling in business is a skill that's rarely taught—and often forgotten. But it gives those who get it right the power to inspire and engage people more than any pie chart or spreadsheet ever will. Stories foster a deeply human connection, and Power Stories: The 8 Stories You Must Tell to Build an Epic Business gives readers the skills they need to master this lost art to make sales and seal deals. Whether it's in person or online, storytelling is an influential and persuasive tool. This book reveals how to discover the stories sitting under your nose and harness them for your business. From power stories readers need to know to how to turn prospects into customers, and customers into raving fans, the book covers exactly how and when to employ the power of storytelling, and is packed with proven strategies and real-life examples that bring the key concepts to life. Explains why storytelling is the ultimate tool for business success, revealing the 8 stories that any professional needs to be able to tell Includes proven strategies, tools, and techniques for mastering the lost art of storytelling in the business world, including the use of online tools and platforms Features real-life examples of businesses and entrepreneurs from around the world who have used storytelling to grow and thrive Written by Valerie Khoo, a respected small business commentator and successful entrepreneur, Power Stories gives professionals everywhere the tools they need to craft and tell great stories to create a competitive advantage.

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Коротко о главном в электронной книге о развивающемся бизнесе с идентификатором 28306338:

Valerie Khoo работа о ведении малого бизнеса в жанре зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес

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