Arithmetic and Logic in Computer Systems

Книга  Arithmetic and Logic in Computer Systems созданная  может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Стоимость электронной книги Arithmetic and Logic in Computer Systems с идентификатором 43486701 составляет 10142.60 руб.

Arithmetic and Logic in Computer Systems provides a useful guide to a fundamental subject of computer science and engineering. Algorithms for performing operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in digital computer systems are presented, with the goal of explaining the concepts behind the algorithms, rather than addressing any direct applications. Alternative methods are examined, and explanations are supplied of the fundamental materials and reasoning behind theories and examples. No other current books deal with this subject, and the author is a leading authority in the field of computer arithmetic. The text introduces the Conventional Radix Number System and the Signed-Digit Number System, as well as Residue Number System and Logarithmic Number System. This book serves as an essential, up-to-date guide for students of electrical engineering and computer and mathematical sciences, as well as practicing engineers and computer scientists involved in the design, application, and development of computer arithmetic units.

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