Distibuted Systems

Книга  Distibuted Systems созданная Laure Petrucci, Serge Haddad, Fabrice Kordon, Laurent Pautet, Wiley может относится к жанру программы. Стоимость электронной книги Distibuted Systems с идентификатором 34363032 составляет 13778.46 руб.

In today’s digital environment, distributed systems are increasingly present in a wide variety of environments, ranging from public software applications to critical systems.<br /> Distributed Systems introduces the underlying concepts, the associated design techniques and the related security issues.<br /> Distributed Systems: Design and Algorithms, is dedicated to engineers, students, and anyone familiar with algorithms and programming, who want to know more about distributed systems.<br /> These systems are characterized by: several components with one or more threads, possibly running on different processors; asynchronous communications with possible additional assumptions (reliability, order preserving, etc.); local views for every component and no shared data between components. This title presents distributed systems from a point of view dedicated to their design and their main principles: the main algorithms are described and placed in their application context, i.e. consistency management and the way they are used in distributed file-systems.

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Laure Petrucci, Serge Haddad, Fabrice Kordon, Laurent Pautet, Wiley работа о программах программы

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