SUMO Your Relationships. How to handle not strangle the people you live and work with

Книга  SUMO Your Relationships. How to handle not strangle the people you live and work with созданная Paul  McGee может относится к жанру зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес. Стоимость электронной книги SUMO Your Relationships. How to handle not strangle the people you live and work with с идентификатором 28968061 составляет 2182.47 руб.

When it comes to relationships, reality rules. We'd all like to think of ourselves as everyone's best friend, but what's the truth? Are you a hero or a zero to other people? Do you see yourself as others really see you? Do you need to make a fresh deposit into your relationship account before you go overdrawn? S.U.M.O. Your Relationships will help you manage, maintain, grow and move on, in your key relationships with others and yourself. At some point in your life you are going to have to deal with difficult relationships, whether it's with a colleague, parent, friend or partner. Isn't it time you did a stock take of your relationships and started making the best of them? S.U.M.O. Your Relationships has pit stops, pearls of wisdom and all the humour and inspiration you need to make the key changes in your life. You will discover the seven S.U.M.O. realities followed by seven insights to help light the way to a brighter future. PRAISE FOR S.U.M.O. YOUR RELATIONSHIPS «This book is full of wisdom, common sense and practical ideas on improving relationships. An essential read.» —ALLAN PEASE, Co-author of THE DEFINITIVE BOOK OF BODY LANGUAGE and WHY MEN DON'T LISTEN AND WOMEN CAN'T READ MAPS

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Paul McGee работа о ведении малого бизнеса в жанре зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес

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