The Power of Doing Less. Why Time Management Courses Don’t Work And How To Spend Your Precious Life On The Things That Really Matter

Книга  The Power of Doing Less. Why Time Management Courses Don't Work And How To Spend Your Precious Life On The Things That Really Matter созданная Fergus  O'Connell может относится к жанру зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес. Стоимость электронной книги The Power of Doing Less. Why Time Management Courses Don't Work And How To Spend Your Precious Life On The Things That Really Matter с идентификатором 28308894 составляет 1089.78 руб.

Overloaded? I’ll bet you are. We all lead busy lives. You fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day, feeling that you’ve got a lot done. Perhaps you are getting lots done. But is it stuff that really matters? Or is it just stuff? It’s time to wise up. You will never clear that list. Get used to the idea that some things will never get done. Not delayed. Not rescheduled. Not re-prioritized. But simply dropped. And from now on, instead of trying to clear that endless to-do list, you’re going to do a much smarter thing. You’re going to just do the important stuff. And the brilliant thing is, you already have the power to do this. That power is to do less. Soon enough, you’ll have the space to enjoy the moment, be creative, find new or better ways of doing things, get ideas, and spot opportunities you would have missed when you were running around. In short – you’ll be happier. Much happier. As soon as you stop doing, the power of doing less will begin to flow.

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