Secrets of nude photos. All about nude photography for models and photographers

Книга Secrets of nude photos. All about nude photography for models and photographers из серии , созданная Alex Bernhard, может относится к жанру Руководства, Хобби, Ремесла. Стоимость электронной книги Secrets of nude photos. All about nude photography for models and photographers с идентификатором 28511880 составляет 196.00 руб.Alex Bernhard   Secrets of nude photos. All about nude photography for models and photographers в жанре Руководства, Хобби, Ремесла

Электронная книга Secrets of nude photos. All about nude photography for models and photographers

Короткоо главном в электронной книге с идентификатором 28511880:

This guide will help you understand all the secrets of the photo in the style of “nude.” How to adjust the model to natural postures and good mood. How to properly shoot “nude” at home, in a photo studio and in nature. All about the “nude” photography: models, light, rules. Secrets from professionals in the genre of “nude” for models and photographers.

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