Zhuo Xu

Designing and Implementing IP/MPLS-Based Ethernet Layer 2 VPN Services. An Advanced Guide for VPLS and VLL

Книга  Designing and Implementing IP/MPLS-Based Ethernet Layer 2 VPN Services. An Advanced Guide for VPLS and VLL созданная Zhuo  Xu может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, ОС и сети. Стоимость электронной книги Designing and Implementing IP/MPLS-Based Ethernet Layer 2 VPN Services. An Advanced Guide for VPLS and VLL с идентификатором 31226337 составляет 6123.17 руб.

A guide to designing and implementing VPLS services over an IP/MPLS switched service provider backbone Today's communication providers are looking for convenience, simplicity, and flexible bandwidth across wide area networks-but with the quality of service and control that is critical for business networking applications like video, voice and data. Carrier Ethernet VPN services based on VPLS makes this a reality. Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) is a pseudowire (PW) based, multipoint-to-multipoint layer 2 Ethernet VPN service provided by services providers By deploying a VPLS service to customers, the operator can focus on providing high throughput, highly available Ethernet bridging services and leave the layer 3 routing decision up to the customer. Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) is quickly becoming the number one choice for many enterprises and service providers to deploy data communication networks. Alcatel-Lucent VPLS solution enables service providers to offer enterprise customers the operational cost benefits of Ethernet with the predictable QoS characteristics of MPLS. Items Covered: Building Converged Service Networks with IP/MPLS VPN Technology IP/MPLS VPN Multi-Service Network Overview Using MPLS Label Switched Paths as Service Transport Tunnels Routing Protocol Traffi c Engineering and CSPF RSVP-TE Protocol MPLS Resiliency – Secondary LSP MPLS Resiliency – RSVP-TE LSP Fast Reroute Label Distribution Protocol IP/MPLS VPN Service Routing Architecture Virtual Leased Line Services Virtual Private LAN Service Hierarchical VPLS High Availability in an IP/MPLS VPN Network VLL Service Resiliency VPLS Service Resiliency VPLS BGP Auto-Discovery PBB-VPLS OAM in a VPLS Service Network

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