Samuel Phung

Professional Windows Embedded Compact 7

Книга  Professional Windows Embedded Compact 7 созданная David  Jones, Thierry  Joubert, Mike  Hall, Samuel  Phung может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Professional Windows Embedded Compact 7 с идентификатором 28311360 составляет 3279.54 руб.

Learn to program an array of customized devices and solutions As a compact, highly efficient, scalable operating system, Windows Embedded Compact 7 (WEC7) is one of the best options for developing a new generation of network-enabled, media-rich, and service-oriented devices. This in-depth resource takes you through the benefits and capabilities of WEC7 so that you can start using this performance development platform today. Divided into several major sections, the book begins with an introduction and then moves on to coverage of OS design, application development, advanced application development, how to deploy WEC7 devices, and more. Examines the benefits of Windows Embedded Compact 7 (WEC7) Reviews the various elements of OS design, including configuring and building a customized OS runtime image, using debugging and remote tools, and more Explains how to develop native code applications with Visual Studio 2010, develop database applications with SQL server compact, and use the application deployment option Discusses how to deploy a WEC device, use the boot loader, launch WEC using BIOSLoader, and deploy a WEC power toy If you're interested in learning more about embedded development or you're seeking a higher performance development platform, then this is the book for you.

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