Marie De Fréminville

Cybersecurity and Decision Makers

Книга  Cybersecurity and Decision Makers созданная Marie De Fréminville, Wiley может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Стоимость электронной книги Cybersecurity and Decision Makers с идентификатором 62278225 составляет 13261.53 руб.

Cyber security is a key issue affecting the confidence of Internet users and the sustainability of businesses. It is also a national issue with regards to economic development and resilience. As a concern, cyber risks are not only in the hands of IT security managers, but of everyone, and non-executive directors and managing directors may be held to account in relation to shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees, banks and public authorities. The implementation of a cybersecurity system, including processes, devices and training, is essential to protect a company against theft of strategic and personal data, sabotage and fraud. Cybersecurity and Decision Makers presents a comprehensive overview of cybercrime and best practice to confidently adapt to the digital world; covering areas such as risk mapping, compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, cyber culture, ethics and crisis management. It is intended for anyone concerned about the protection of their data, as well as decision makers in any organization.

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Marie De Fréminville, Wiley работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература

Ниже приведены ТЕГИ, по которым можно посмотреть аналоги книг иностранных специалистов компьютерщиков и программистов.

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Электронная книга в жанре зарубежная компьютерная литература для обучения и всестороннего развития.

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Cybersecurity and Decision Makers

Книга  Cybersecurity and Decision Makers созданная Marie De Fréminville, Wiley может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Стоимость электронной книги Cybersecurity and Decision Makers с идентификатором 62276485 составляет 13261.53 руб.

Cyber security is a key issue affecting the confidence of Internet users and the sustainability of businesses. It is also a national issue with regards to economic development and resilience. As a concern, cyber risks are not only in the hands of IT security managers, but of everyone, and non-executive directors and managing directors may be held to account in relation to shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees, banks and public authorities. The implementation of a cybersecurity system, including processes, devices and training, is essential to protect a company against theft of strategic and personal data, sabotage and fraud. Cybersecurity and Decision Makers presents a comprehensive overview of cybercrime and best practice to confidently adapt to the digital world; covering areas such as risk mapping, compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, cyber culture, ethics and crisis management. It is intended for anyone concerned about the protection of their data, as well as decision makers in any organization.

Также имеется ФРАГМЕНТ ТЕКСТА для ознакомления!

Коротко о главном в электронной версии зарубежной компьютерной литературы с идентификатором 62276485:

Marie De Fréminville, Wiley работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература

Ниже приведены ТЕГИ, по которым можно посмотреть аналоги книг иностранных специалистов компьютерщиков и программистов.

Скачать Cybersecurity and Decision Makers ОнЛайн

Электронная книга в жанре зарубежная компьютерная литература для обучения и всестороннего развития.

Скачать ОнЛайн материалы автора Marie De Fréminville, Wiley на устройства FB2 EPUB TXT RTF PDF HTML MOBI форматы. Цена от бесплатной до выставленной и в данном случае стоимость скачивания составляет 13261.53 руб.

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