Gia Nguyen Nhu

Cloud Computing and Virtualization

Книга  Cloud Computing and Virtualization созданная Gia Nguyen Nhu, Dac-Nhuong  Le, Raghvendra  Kumar, Jyotir Chatterjee Moy может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, ОС и сети. Стоимость электронной книги Cloud Computing and Virtualization с идентификатором 43500965 составляет 17057.41 руб.

The purpose of this book is first to study cloud computing concepts, security concern in clouds and data centers, live migration and its importance for cloud computing, the role of firewalls in domains with particular focus on virtual machine (VM) migration and its security concerns. The book then tackles design, implementation of the frameworks and prepares test-beds for testing and evaluating VM migration procedures as well as firewall rule migration. The book demonstrates how cloud computing can produce an effective way of network management, especially from a security perspective.

Также имеется ФРАГМЕНТ ТЕКСТА для ознакомления!

Коротко о главном в электронной версии зарубежной компьютерной литературы с идентификатором 43500965:

Gia Nguyen Nhu, Dac-Nhuong Le, Raghvendra Kumar, Jyotir Chatterjee Moy работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература, ОС и сети

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Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Industry 4.0

Книга  Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Industry 4.0 созданная Jolanda Tromp G., Gia Nguyen Nhu, Dac-Nhuong  Le, Chung Le Van может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, компьютерное железо. Стоимость электронной книги Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Industry 4.0 с идентификатором 42165995 составляет 23617.95 руб.

With the current advances in technology innovation, the field of medicine and healthcare is rapidly expanding and, as a result, many different areas of human health diagnostics, treatment and care are emerging. Wireless technology is getting faster and 5G mobile technology allows the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) to greatly improve patient care and more effectively prevent illness from developing. This book provides an overview and review of the current and anticipated changes in medicine and healthcare due to new technologies and faster communication between users and devices. This groundbreaking book presents state-of-the-art chapters on many subjects including: A review of the implications of VR and AR healthcare applications A review of current augmenting dental care An overview of typical human-computer interaction (HCI) that can help inform the development of user interface designs and novel ways to evaluate human behavior to responses in virtual reality (VR) and other new technologies A review of telemedicine technologies Building empathy in young children using augmented reality AI technologies for mobile health of stroke monitoring & rehabilitation robotics control Mobile doctor brain AI App An artificial intelligence mobile cloud computing tool Development of a robotic teaching aid for disabled children Training system design of lower limb rehabilitation robot based on virtual reality

Также имеется ФРАГМЕНТ ТЕКСТА для ознакомления!

Коротко о главном в электронной версии зарубежной компьютерной литературы с идентификатором 42165995:

Jolanda Tromp G., Gia Nguyen Nhu, Dac-Nhuong Le, Chung Le Van работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература, компьютерное железо

Ниже приведены ТЕГИ, по которым можно посмотреть аналоги книг иностранных специалистов компьютерщиков и программистов.

Скачать Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Industry 4.0 ОнЛайн

Электронная книга в жанре зарубежная компьютерная литература, компьютерное железо для обучения и всестороннего развития.

Скачать ОнЛайн материалы автора Jolanda Tromp G., Gia Nguyen Nhu, Dac-Nhuong Le, Chung Le Van на устройства FB2 EPUB TXT RTF PDF HTML MOBI форматы. Цена от бесплатной до выставленной и в данном случае стоимость скачивания составляет 23617.95 руб.

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Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine

Книга  Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine созданная Chung Le Van, Jolanda Tromp G., Gia Nguyen Nhu, Dac-Nhuong  Le может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Стоимость электронной книги Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine с идентификатором 43441018 составляет 19681.62 руб.

With the current advances in technology innovation, the field of medicine and healthcare is rapidly expanding and, as a result, many different areas of human health diagnostics, treatment and care are emerging. Wireless technology is getting faster and 5G mobile technology allows the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) to greatly improve patient care and more effectively prevent illness from developing. This book provides an overview and review of the current and anticipated changes in medicine and healthcare due to new technologies and faster communication between users and devices. This groundbreaking book presents state-of-the-art chapters on many subjects including: A review of the implications of VR and AR healthcare applications A review of current augmenting dental care An overview of typical human-computer interaction (HCI) that can help inform the development of user interface designs and novel ways to evaluate human behavior to responses in virtual reality (VR) and other new technologies A review of telemedicine technologies Building empathy in young children using augmented reality AI technologies for mobile health of stroke monitoring & rehabilitation robotics control Mobile doctor brain AI App An artificial intelligence mobile cloud computing tool Development of a robotic teaching aid for disabled children Training system design of lower limb rehabilitation robot based on virtual reality

Также имеется ФРАГМЕНТ ТЕКСТА для ознакомления!

Коротко о главном в электронной версии зарубежной компьютерной литературы с идентификатором 43441018:

Chung Le Van, Jolanda Tromp G., Gia Nguyen Nhu, Dac-Nhuong Le работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература

Ниже приведены ТЕГИ, по которым можно посмотреть аналоги книг иностранных специалистов компьютерщиков и программистов.

Скачать Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine ОнЛайн

Электронная книга в жанре зарубежная компьютерная литература для обучения и всестороннего развития.

Скачать ОнЛайн материалы автора Chung Le Van, Jolanda Tromp G., Gia Nguyen Nhu, Dac-Nhuong Le на устройства FB2 EPUB TXT RTF PDF HTML MOBI форматы. Цена от бесплатной до выставленной и в данном случае стоимость скачивания составляет 19681.62 руб.

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