Cary L. Cooper

Detox Your Desk. Declutter Your Life and Mind

Книга  Detox Your Desk. Declutter Your Life and Mind созданная Theo  Theobald, Cary L. Cooper может относится к жанру зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес. Стоимость электронной книги Detox Your Desk. Declutter Your Life and Mind с идентификатором 28981637 составляет 1661.27 руб.

Why is there never enough time in the day to do all the stuff you want to? Why does your in-tray just keep growing? Is it alive? Written for the time-starved and terminally untidy, Detox Your Desk is the perfect antidote to pressure cooker of the modern office. It's flat out but you still fell like you're not getting anything done. And no wonder. It's hard to do anything meaningful when you're swamped by piles of paperwork and endless 'to do' lists. Detox Your Desk helps you fight back by purging your system office toxins, so you can take control of the everyday stuff and calmly field whatever lands in your in-tray. It starts with the physical clearing out of all the rubbish that litters your life and then gives you practical tips to help free up your thinking. Detox Your Desk puts you on a ten-day programme that'll result in a tidy workspace and a clear head. All of the changes are easy. Stick with them over the long term and you'll change the way you work forever, giving you more time and a greater choice in every area of you life. This you big chance to get on top of your workload and start to enjoy work and life again. You'll soon be the most efficient and effective person you know!

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