Android For Dummies

Книга  Android For Dummies созданная Dan Gookin, Wiley может относится к жанру компьютерная справочная литература. Стоимость электронной книги Android For Dummies с идентификатором 62366715 составляет 2005.99 руб.

Your comprehensive (and very friendly!) reference guide to Android phones and tablets 

You’re used to hearing it said that the phone in your pocket or tablet by your bed has more computing power than the entire Apollo 11 space program in the 1960s (or something similarly impressive)—and this is no less true for Android devices than any other. Sounds great—but what does that actually mean you can do with them? The new edition of Android For Dummies reveals all for new and experienced users alike, making it easy to get the most out of the awesome computing power of Android smartphone and tablet devices—from communications and pictures and videos to the wonderful world of 2.8+ million Google apps! 

Cutting through the jargon, bestselling tech author Dan Gookin puts you in touch with all the Android features you’ll need to know (and many more you’ll be pleased to discover!), from setup and configuration to the major features, such as text, email, internet, maps, navigation, camera, and video, as well as synching with your home computer. In addition to getting familiar with these and the latest Android 10 operating system (OS)—in both Google Pixel and Samsung versions—you’ll become an expert on the best ways to share your thoughts, videos, and pictures on social media, navigate with Android Auto when driving, and maintain your files so they’re orderly and easy to find. 

Explore Android devices, from physical functions to software and online features Communicate via email, social media, Google Duo video calls, and more Tweak your privacy settings to keep your information secure Use Android Auto when driving and see in the dark with Night Light and Dark Mode Androids may be able to land a spacecraft on the Moon (yet) but there’s a whole universe waiting right there in the device at your fingertips—and this book is the perfect place to begin to explore!

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