Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control 1

Книга  Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control 1 созданная Silvio Simani, Vicenc Puig, Wiley может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Стоимость электронной книги Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control 1 с идентификатором 66855492 составляет 13261.53 руб.

This book presents recent advances in fault diagnosis strategies for complex dynamic systems. Its impetus derives from the need for an overview of the challenges of the fault diagnosis technique, especially for those demanding systems that require reliability, availability, maintainability and safety to ensure efficient operations. Moreover, the need for a high degree of tolerance with respect to possible faults represents a further key point, primarily for complex systems, as modeling and control are inherently challenging, and maintenance is both expensive and safety-critical.<br /><br /><i>Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control 1</i> also presents and compares different diagnosis schemes using established case studies that are widely used in related literature. The main features of this book regard the analysis, design and implementation of proper solutions for the problems of fault diagnosis in safety critical systems. The design of the considered solutions involves robust data-driven, model-based approaches.

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