Microsoft Azure For Dummies

Книга  Microsoft Azure For Dummies созданная Timothy L. Warner, Wiley может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Стоимость электронной книги Microsoft Azure For Dummies с идентификатором 62294690 составляет 2349.67 руб.

Your roadmap to Microsoft Azure 

Azure is Microsoft’s flagship cloud computing platform. With over 600 services available to over 44 geographic regions, it would take a library of books to cover the entire Azure ecosystem. Microsoft Azure For Dummies offers a shortcut to getting familiar with Azure’s core product offerings used by the majority of its subscribers. It’s a perfect choice for those looking to gain a quick, basic understanding of this ever-evolving public cloud platform.

Written by a Microsoft MVP and Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect, Microsoft Azure For Dummies covers building virtual networks, configuring cloud-based virtual machines, launching and scaling web applications, migrating on-premises services to Azure, and keeping your Azure resources secure and compliant. 

Migrate your applications and services to Azure with confidence Manage virtual machines smarter than you've done on premises Deploy web applications that scale dynamically to save you money and effort Apply Microsoft's latest security technologies to ensure compliance to maintain data privacy With more and more businesses making the leap to run their applications and services on Microsoft Azure, basic understanding of the technology is becoming essential. Microsoft Azure For Dummies offers a fast and easy first step into the Microsoft public cloud.

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