Task Scheduling for Parallel Systems

Книга  Task Scheduling for Parallel Systems созданная  может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Task Scheduling for Parallel Systems с идентификатором 43495285 составляет 10671.81 руб.

A new model for task scheduling that dramatically improves the efficiency of parallel systems Task scheduling for parallel systems can become a quagmire of heuristics, models, and methods that have been developed over the past decades. The author of this innovative text cuts through the confusion and complexity by presenting a consistent and comprehensive theoretical framework along with realistic parallel system models. These new models, based on an investigation of the concepts and principles underlying task scheduling, take into account heterogeneity, contention for communication resources, and the involvement of the processor in communications. For readers who may be new to task scheduling, the first chapters are essential. They serve as an excellent introduction to programming parallel systems, and they place task scheduling within the context of the program parallelization process. The author then reviews the basics of graph theory, discussing the major graph models used to represent parallel programs. Next, the author introduces his task scheduling framework. He carefully explains the theoretical background of this framework and provides several examples to enable readers to fully understand how it greatly simplifies and, at the same time, enhances the ability to schedule. The second half of the text examines both basic and advanced scheduling techniques, offering readers a thorough understanding of the principles underlying scheduling algorithms. The final two chapters address communication contention in scheduling and processor involvement in communications. Each chapter features exercises that help readers put their new skills into practice. An extensive bibliography leads to additional information for further research. Finally, the use of figures and examples helps readers better visualize and understand complex concepts and processes. Researchers and students in distributed and parallel computer systems will find that this text dramatically improves their ability to schedule tasks accurately and efficiently.

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