Artificial Intelligence For Dummies

Книга  Artificial Intelligence For Dummies созданная Luca  Massaron, John Paul Mueller может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература. Стоимость электронной книги Artificial Intelligence For Dummies с идентификатором 43493557 составляет 2623.49 руб.

Step into the future with AI The term «Artificial Intelligence» has been around since the 1950s, but a lot has changed since then. Today, AI is referenced in the news, books, movies, and TV shows, and the exact definition is often misinterpreted. Artificial Intelligence For Dummies provides a clear introduction to AI and how it’s being used today. Inside, you’ll get a clear overview of the technology, the common misconceptions surrounding it, and a fascinating look at its applications in everything from self-driving cars and drones to its contributions in the medical field. Learn about what AI has contributed to society Explore uses for AI in computer applications Discover the limits of what AI can do Find out about the history of AI The world of AI is fascinating—and this hands-on guide makes it more accessible than ever!

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