Porting to the Symbian Platform

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If you want to write mobile applications without the idioms of Symbian C++, have existing software assets that you'd like to re-use on Symbian devices, or are an open source developer still waiting for an open Linux-based device to gain significant market penetration, this is the book for you! Beginning with an introduction to the native programming environments available and descriptions of the various technologies and APIs available, you will first learn how to go about porting your code to the Symbian platform. Next, you will discover how to port to Symbian from other common platforms including Linux and Windows. Finally, you can examine sample porting projects as well as advanced information on topics such as platform security. The author team consists of no less than six Forum Nokia Champions, together with technical experts from the Symbian community, either working on Symbian platform packages or third party application development. With this book, you will benefit from their combined knowledge and experience. In this book, you will learn: How to port and make use of existing open source code to speed up your development projects How to port applications from other popular mobile platforms to the Symbian platform How to write code that is portable across multiple platforms The APIs in the Symbian platform for cross-platform development, such as support for standard C/C++ and Qt.

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