System Design for Telecommunication Gateways

Книга  System Design for Telecommunication Gateways созданная Alexander  Bachmutsky может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги System Design for Telecommunication Gateways с идентификатором 31232849 составляет 12158.87 руб.

System Design for Telecommunication Gateways provides a thorough review of designing telecommunication network equipment based on the latest hardware designs and software methods available on the market. Focusing on high-end efficient designs that challenge all aspects of the system architecture, this book helps readers to understand a broader view of the system design, analyze all its most critical components, and select the parts that best fit a particular application. In many cases new technology trends, potential future developments, system flexibility and capability extensions are outlined in preparation for the longevity typical for products in the industry. Key features: Combines software and hardware aspects of the system design. Defines components and services supported by open-source and commercial basic and extended software platforms, including operating systems, middleware, security, routing, management layer and more. Focuses on disruptive technologies. Provides guidelines for developing software architectures based on multi-threaded, multi-process, multi-instance, multi-core, multi-chip, multi-blade and multi-chassis designs. Covers a number of advanced high-speed interconnect and fabric interface technologies and their commercial implementations. Presents different system form factors from compact pizza-box styles to medium and large bladed systems, including IBM BladeCenter, ATCA and microTCA-based chassis. Describes different mezzanine cards, such as PMC, PrPMC, XMC, AMC and others.

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