Patterns in Java. A Catalog of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML

Книга  Patterns in Java. A Catalog of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML созданная Mark  Grand может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Patterns in Java. A Catalog of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML с идентификатором 28963893 составляет 5248.43 руб.

"This is the best book on patterns since the Gang of Four's Design Patterns. The book manages to be a resource for three of the most important trends in professional programming: Patterns, Java, and UML.» —Larry O'Brien, Founding Editor, Software Development Magazine Since the release of Design Patterns in 1994, patterns have become one of the most important new technologies contributing to software design and development. In this volume Mark Grand presents 41 design patterns that help you create more elegant and reusable designs. He revisits the 23 «Gang of Four» design patterns from the perspective of a Java programmer and introduces many new patterns specifically for Java. Each pattern comes with the complete Java source code and is diagrammed using UML. Patterns in Java, Volume 1 gives you: 11 Behavioral Patterns, 9 Structural Patterns, 7 Concurrency Patterns, 6 Creational Patterns, 5 Fundamental Design Patterns, and 3 Partitioning Patterns Real-world case studies that illustrate when and how to use the patterns Introduction to UML with examples that demonstrate how to express patterns using UML The CD-ROM contains: Java source code for the 41 design patterns Trial versions of Together/J Whiteboard Edition from Object International (; Rational Rose 98 from Rational Software (; System Architect from Popkin Software (; and OptimizeIt from Intuitive Systems, Inc.

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