The Guide to Getting Paid. Weed Out Bad Paying Customers, Collect on Past Due Balances, and Avoid Bad Debt

Книга  The Guide to Getting Paid. Weed Out Bad Paying Customers, Collect on Past Due Balances, and Avoid Bad Debt созданная Michelle  Dunn может относится к жанру зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес, стартапы и создание бизнеса. Стоимость электронной книги The Guide to Getting Paid. Weed Out Bad Paying Customers, Collect on Past Due Balances, and Avoid Bad Debt с идентификатором 28308543 составляет 1818.73 руб.

Give your business a successful credit and collections plan with this easy and clear guide Over 100,000 businesses have slow or non-paying customers. Yet very few actually have a workable plan for claiming the missing revenue that results. This book gives you a complete solution and tool set to ensure your business maximizes its collections while maintaining an effective, profitable credit plan. You'll discover how to set up an efficient in-house credit policy that not only lets you collect more debts, but also boost sales, increase cash flow, and grow profits. Step-by-step credit management instructions show you how to weed out bad-paying customers, add more good-paying customers, collect on past-due balances, avoid bad debt, and limit credit risk. Contains all needed forms to set up and implement an effective credit policy Author is a popular columnist for several newspapers and national magazines, and appears regularly in the media as a go-to authority on debt Get Paid enables you to decide what matters most to your business when it comes to billing, payment terms, pricing, cash flow, and more, then set up the systems to meet these goals and increase profitability.

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Michelle Dunn работа о ведении малого бизнеса в жанре зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес, стартапы и создание бизнеса

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Электронная книга в жанре зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес, стартапы и создание бизнеса для обучения и всестороннего развития.

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