The Polymath. Unlocking the Power of Human Versatility

Книга  The Polymath. Unlocking the Power of Human Versatility созданная Waqas Ahmed может относится к жанру зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес. Стоимость электронной книги The Polymath. Unlocking the Power of Human Versatility с идентификатором 42166251 составляет 2361.79 руб.

Every human is born with multifarious potential. Why, then, do parents, schools and employers insist that we restrict our many talents and interests; that we 'specialise' in just one? We've been sold a myth, that to 'specialise' is the only way to pursue truth, identity, or even a livelihood. Yet specialisation is nothing but an outdated system that fosters ignorance, exploitation and disillusionment and thwarts creativity, opportunity and progress. Following a series of exchanges with the world’s greatest historians, futurists, philosophers and scientists, Waqas Ahmed has weaved together a narrative of history and a vision for the future that seeks to disrupt this prevailing system of unwarranted ‘hyper-specialisation.’ In The Polymath, Waqas shows us that there is another way of thinking and being. Through an approach that is both philosophical and practical, he sets out a cognitive journey towards reclaiming your innate polymathic state. Going further, he proposes nothing less than a cultural revolution in our education and professional structures, whereby everyone is encouraged to express themselves in multiple ways and fulfil their many-sided potential. Not only does this enhance individual fulfilment, but in doing so, facilitates a conscious and creative society that is both highly motivated and well equipped to address the complexity of 21st century challenges.

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Waqas Ahmed работа о ведении малого бизнеса в жанре зарубежная деловая литература, малый и средний бизнес

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