Pavel Solin

Integral Methods in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics

Книга  Integral Methods in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics созданная Ivo  Dolezel, Pavel  Karban, Bohus  Ulrych, Pavel  Solin может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Integral Methods in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics с идентификатором 43494253 составляет 11721.50 руб.

A modern presentation of integral methods in low-frequency electromagnetics This book provides state-of-the-art knowledge on integral methods in low-frequency electromagnetics. Blending theory with numerous examples, it introduces key aspects of the integral methods used in engineering as a powerful alternative to PDE-based models. Readers will get complete coverage of: The electromagnetic field and its basic characteristics An overview of solution methods Solutions of electromagnetic fields by integral expressions Integral and integrodifferential methods Indirect solutions of electromagnetic fields by the boundary element method Integral equations in the solution of selected coupled problems Numerical methods for integral equations All computations presented in the book are done by means of the authors' own codes, and a significant amount of their own results is included. At the book's end, they also discuss novel integral techniques of a higher order of accuracy, which are representative of the future of this rapidly advancing field. Integral Methods in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics is of immense interest to members of the electrical engineering and applied mathematics communities, ranging from graduate students and PhD candidates to researchers in academia and practitioners in industry.

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Ivo Dolezel, Pavel Karban, Bohus Ulrych, Pavel Solin работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование

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