9092.91 руб.

Looking Back and Going Forward in IT

Книга  Looking Back and Going Forward in IT созданная  может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, интернет. Стоимость электронной книги Looking Back and Going Forward in IT с идентификатором 43486141 составляет 9092.91 руб.

This book places IT in perspective by tracing its development through time, covering its origins in business, the massive expansion of the role of IT at the end of the 20th century, the growth of the internet, and the successes and failures of companies involved in this development. Despite its ubiquity in the modern world, the author highlights that efficient use of IT by businesses can only be gained by a good understanding of its potentials and pitfalls, highlighting how its informed use in practice is essential for companies to succeed. Finally, questions are raised concerning the future of IT: who will reap the benefits and why? Will IT continue to provide solutions and will it always deliver on its promise? Will it cease to advance and thus cease to be studied or will it continue to develop and thus provide new opportunities and challenges to users?

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работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература, интернет

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Электронная книга в жанре зарубежная компьютерная литература, интернет для обучения и всестороннего развития.

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Multimedia Information Extraction. Advances in Video, Audio, and Imagery Analysis for Search, Data Mining, Surveillance and Authoring

Книга  Multimedia Information Extraction. Advances in Video, Audio, and Imagery Analysis for Search, Data Mining, Surveillance and Authoring созданная Mark Maybury T. может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, интернет. Стоимость электронной книги Multimedia Information Extraction. Advances in Video, Audio, and Imagery Analysis for Search, Data Mining, Surveillance and Authoring с идентификатором 31222705 составляет 9092.91 руб.

The advent of increasingly large consumer collections of audio (e.g., iTunes), imagery (e.g., Flickr), and video (e.g., YouTube) is driving a need not only for multimedia retrieval but also information extraction from and across media. Furthermore, industrial and government collections fuel requirements for stock media access, media preservation, broadcast news retrieval, identity management, and video surveillance. While significant advances have been made in language processing for information extraction from unstructured multilingual text and extraction of objects from imagery and video, these advances have been explored in largely independent research communities who have addressed extracting information from single media (e.g., text, imagery, audio). And yet users need to search for concepts across individual media, author multimedia artifacts, and perform multimedia analysis in many domains. This collection is intended to serve several purposes, including reporting the current state of the art, stimulating novel research, and encouraging cross-fertilization of distinct research disciplines. The collection and integration of a common base of intellectual material will provide an invaluable service from which to teach a future generation of cross disciplinary media scientists and engineers.

Также имеется ФРАГМЕНТ ТЕКСТА для ознакомления!

Коротко о главном в электронной версии зарубежной компьютерной литературы с идентификатором 31222705:

Mark Maybury T. работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература, интернет

Ниже приведены ТЕГИ, по которым можно посмотреть аналоги книг иностранных специалистов компьютерщиков и программистов.

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Электронная книга в жанре зарубежная компьютерная литература, интернет для обучения и всестороннего развития.

Скачать ОнЛайн материалы автора Mark Maybury T. на устройства FB2 EPUB TXT RTF PDF HTML MOBI форматы. Цена от бесплатной до выставленной и в данном случае стоимость скачивания составляет 9092.91 руб.

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