8218.17 руб.

Practical System Reliability

Книга  Practical System Reliability созданная Eric  Bauer, Douglas Kimber A., Xuemei  Zhang может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Practical System Reliability с идентификатором 43498693 составляет 8218.17 руб.

Learn how to model, predict, and manage system reliability/availability throughout the development life cycle Written by a panel of authors with a wealth of industry experience, the methods and concepts presented here give readers a solid understanding of modeling and managing system and software availability and reliability through the development of real applications and products. The modeling and prediction techniques and tools are customer-focused and data-driven, and are also aligned with industry standards (Telcordia, TL 9000, ISO, etc.). Readers will get a clear understanding about what real-world reliability and availability mean through step-by-step discussions of: System availability Conceptual model of reliability and availability Why availability varies between customers Modeling availability Estimating parameters and availability from field data Estimating input parameters from laboratory data Estimating input parameters in the architecture/design stage Prediction accuracy Connecting the dots This book can be used by system architects, engineers, and developers to better understand and manage the reliability/availability of their products; quality engineers to grasp how software and hardware quality relate to system availability; and engineering students as part of a short course on system availability and software reliability.

Также имеется ФРАГМЕНТ ТЕКСТА для ознакомления!

Коротко о главном в электронной версии зарубежной компьютерной литературы с идентификатором 43498693:

Eric Bauer, Douglas Kimber A., Xuemei Zhang работа зарубежного автора зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование

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Электронная книга в жанре зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование для обучения и всестороннего развития.

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Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems. A Survey of Applications

Книга  Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems. A Survey of Applications созданная Margaria  Tiziana, Gnesi Stefania может относится к жанру программирование, ужасы. Стоимость электронной книги Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems. A Survey of Applications с идентификатором 33828318 составляет 8218.17 руб.

Today, formal methods are widely recognized as an essential step in the design process of industrial safety-critical systems. In its more general definition, the term formal methods encompasses all notations having a precise mathematical semantics, together with their associated analysis methods, that allow description and reasoning about the behavior of a system in a formal manner. Growing out of more than a decade of award-winning collaborative work within the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: A Survey of Applications presents a number of mainstream formal methods currently used for designing industrial critical systems, with a focus on model checking. The purpose of the book is threefold: to reduce the effort required to learn formal methods, which has been a major drawback for their industrial dissemination; to help designers to adopt the formal methods which are most appropriate for their systems; and to offer a panel of state-of-the-art techniques and tools for analyzing critical systems.

Также имеется ФРАГМЕНТ ТЕКСТА для ознакомления!

Коротко о главном в электронной книге темы Программирование с идентификатором 33828318:

Margaria Tiziana, Gnesi Stefania работа о процессе разработки программ программирование, ужасы

Ниже приведены ТЕГИ, по которым можно посмотреть аналоги книг о процессе разработки ПО.

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Электронная книга в жанре программирование, ужасы для обучения и всестороннего развития.

Скачать ОнЛайн материалы автора Margaria Tiziana, Gnesi Stefania на устройства FB2 EPUB TXT RTF PDF HTML MOBI форматы. Цена от бесплатной до выставленной и в данном случае стоимость скачивания составляет 8218.17 руб.

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