12158.87 руб.

Distributed Storage Networks

Книга  Distributed Storage Networks созданная  может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Distributed Storage Networks с идентификатором 43498901 составляет 12158.87 руб.

The worldwide market for SAN and NAS storage is anticipated to grow from US $2 billion in 1999 to over $25 billion by 2004. As business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-commerce matures, even greater demands for management of stored data will arise. With the rapid increase in data storage requirements in the last decade, efficient management of stored data becomes a necessity for the enterprise. A recent UC-Berkeley study predicts that 150,000 terabytes of disk storage will be shipped in 2003. Most financial, insurance, healthcare, and telecommunications institutions are in the process of implementing storage networks that are distributed to some degree. For these institutions, data integrity is critical, and they will spend much time and money on planning. One of the primary obstacles to implementing a storage network cited by enterprise IT managers is a lack of knowledge about storage networking technology and the specific issues involved in extending a Storage Area Network (SAN) or Network Attached Storage (NAS) over the Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) or Wireless Area Networks (WAN). Distributed Storage Networks : Architecture, Protocols and Management addresses the «terminology gap» between enterprise network planners and telecommunications engineers, who must understand the transport requirements of storage networks in order to implement distributed storage networks. Jepsen comprehensively provides IT managers, planners, and telecommunications professionals with the information they need in order to choose the technologies best suited for their particular environment. * Addresses a hot topic that will become increasingly important in the coming years * Enables high-level managers and planners to make intelligent decisions about network needs. * Includes example network configurations providing solutions to typical user scenarios * Fills the «terminology gap» between enterprise network managers and telecommunications engineers who must understand the transport requirements of storage networks in order to implement distributed storage area networks A fundamental resource for all network managers, planners and network design engineers, as well as telecommunications engineers and engineering, computer science, and information technology students.

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Mobile Database Systems

Книга  Mobile Database Systems созданная  может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Mobile Database Systems с идентификатором 43498869 составляет 12158.87 руб.

A breakthrough sourcebook to the challenges and solutions for mobile database systems This text enables readers to effectively manage mobile database systems (MDS) and data dissemination via wireless channels. The author explores the mobile communication platform and analyzes its use in the development of a distributed database management system. Workable solutions for key challenges in wireless information management are presented throughout the text. Following an introductory chapter that includes important milestones in the history and development of mobile data processing, the text provides the information, tools, and resources needed for MDS management, including: * Fundamentals of wireless communication * Location and handoff management * Fundamentals of conventional database management systems and why existing approaches are not adequate for mobile databases * Concurrency control mechanism schemes * Data processing and mobility * Management of transactions * Mobile database recovery schemes * Data dissemination via wireless channels Case studies and examples are used liberally to aid in the understanding and visualization of complex concepts. Various exercises enable readers to test their grasp of each topic before advancing in the text. Each chapter also concludes with a summary of key concepts as well as references for further study. Professionals in the mobile computing industry, particularly e-commerce, will find this text indispensable. With its extensive use of case studies, examples, and exercises, it is also highly recommended as a graduate-level textbook.

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Ethernet Networks

Книга  Ethernet Networks созданная  может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, ОС и сети. Стоимость электронной книги Ethernet Networks с идентификатором 43499789 составляет 12158.87 руб.

Ethernet Networks, Fourth Edition, provides everything you need to know to plan, implement, manage and upgrade Ethernet networks. * Improve your skills in employing Ethernet hubs, switches, and routers. * Learn how to set up and operate a wireless Local Area Network (LAN). * Discover how to extend a wired Ethernet via wireless LANs. * Understand cabling standards and the role of NEXT (Near End Crosstalk), FEXT (Far End Crosstalk) and other transmission parameters. * Profit from Gilbert Held's tips and tricks on enhancing security … and much more. This indispensable resource features up-to-date coverage of: * Wireless Ethernet (IEEE802.11 standards) * 10Gbps Ethernet * Firewalls in both a wired and wireless environment * The operation of new versions of Windows(r) on Ethernet LANs * The use of LAN switches at and above layer 2 in the ISO reference model * Copper and fiber optic cable to transport high speed Ethernet Network planners, administrators, and system engineers working with Ethernet networks will find Ethernet Networks, Fourth Edition, an invaluable tool for implementing, updating, and managing their networks.

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Communicating Embedded Systems

Книга  Communicating Embedded Systems созданная Olivier Roux H., Claude  Jard может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Communicating Embedded Systems с идентификатором 43442074 составляет 12158.87 руб.

The increased complexity of embedded systems coupled with quick design cycles to accommodate faster time-to-market requires increased system design productivity that involves both model-based design and tool-supported methodologies. Formal methods are mathematically-based techniques and provide a clean framework in which to express requirements and models of the systems, taking into account discrete, stochastic and continuous (timed or hybrid) parameters with increasingly efficient tools. This book deals with these formal methods applied to communicating embedded systems by presenting the related industrial challenges and the issues of modeling, model-checking, diagnosis and control synthesis, and by describing the main associated automated tools.

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Safety of Computer Architectures

Книга  Safety of Computer Architectures созданная Jean-Louis  Boulanger может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Safety of Computer Architectures с идентификатором 31241425 составляет 12158.87 руб.

It is currently quite easy for students or designers/engineers to find very general books on the various aspects of safety, reliability and dependability of computer system architectures, and partial treatments of the elements that comprise an effective system architecture. It is not so easy to find a single source reference for all these aspects of system design. However, the purpose of this book is to present, in a single volume, a full description of all the constraints (including legal contexts around performance, reliability norms, etc.) and examples of architectures from various fields of application, including: railways, aeronautics, space, automobile and industrial automation. The content of the book is drawn from the experience of numerous people who are deeply immersed in the design and delivery (from conception to test and validation), safety (analysis of safety: FMEA, HA, etc.) and evaluation of critical systems. The involvement of real world industrial applications is handled in such as a way as to avoid problems of confidentiality, and thus allows for the inclusion of new, useful information (photos, architecture plans/schematics, real examples).

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The Handbook of MPEG Applications. Standards in Practice

Книга  The Handbook of MPEG Applications. Standards in Practice созданная Agius Harry, Angelides Marios C. может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги The Handbook of MPEG Applications. Standards in Practice с идентификатором 33815822 составляет 12158.87 руб.

This book provides a comprehensive examination of the use of MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, and MPEG-A standards, providing a detailed reference to their application. In this book, the authors address five leading MPEG standards: MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, and MPEG-A, focusing not only on the standards themselves, but specifically upon their application (e.g. for broadcasting media, personalised advertising and news, multimedia collaboration, digital rights management, resource adaptation, digital home systems, and so on); including MPEG cross-breed applications. In the evolving digital multimedia landscape, this book provides comprehensive coverage of the key MPEG standards used for generation and storage, distribution and dissemination, and delivery of multimedia data to various platforms within a wide variety of application domains. It considers how these MPEG standards may be used, the context of their use, and how supporting and complementary technologies and the standards interact and add value to each other. Key Features: Integrates the application of five popular MPEG standards (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, and MPEG-A) into one single volume, including MPEG cross-breed applications Up-to-date coverage of the field based on the latest versions of the five MPEG standards Opening chapter provides overviews of each of the five MPEG standards Contributions from leading MPEG experts worldwide Includes an accompanying website with supporting material (www.wiley.com/go/angelides_mpeg) This book provides an invaluable reference for researchers, practitioners, CTOs, design engineers, and developers. Postgraduate students taking MSc, MRes, MPhil and PhD courses in computer science and engineering, IT consultants, and system developers in the telecoms, broadcasting and publishing sectors will also find this book of interest.

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Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering

Книга  Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering созданная Arboleda Hugo, Royer Jean-Claude может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering с идентификатором 33821678 составляет 12158.87 руб.

Many approaches to creating Software Product Lines have emerged that are based on Model-Driven Engineering. This book introduces both Software Product Lines and Model-Driven Engineering, which have separate success stories in industry, and focuses on the practical combination of them. It describes the challenges and benefits of merging these two software development trends and provides the reader with a novel approach and practical mechanisms to improve software development productivity. The book is aimed at engineers and students who wish to understand and apply software product lines and model-driven engineering in their activities today. The concepts and methods are illustrated with two product line examples: the classic smart-home systems and a collection manager information system.

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Computer Architecture

Книга  Computer Architecture созданная Blanchet Gérard, Dupouy Bertrand может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Computer Architecture с идентификатором 33824422 составляет 12158.87 руб.

This book lays out the concepts necessary to understand how a computer works. For reasons of clarity, the authors have deliberately chosen examples that apply to machines from all eras, without having to water down the contents of the book. This choice helps to show how techniques, concepts and performances have evolved since the first computers. The book is divided into five parts. The first four, which are of increasing difficulty, are the core of the book: “Elements of a Basic Architecture”, “Programming Model and Operation”, “Memory Hierarchy”, “Parallelism and Performance Enhancement”. The final part provides hints and solutions to the exercises in the book as well as appendices. The reader may approach each part independently based on their prior knowledge and goals.

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Sound Visualization and Manipulation

Книга  Sound Visualization and Manipulation созданная Kim Yang-Hann, Choi Jung-Woo может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Sound Visualization and Manipulation с идентификатором 33828638 составляет 12158.87 руб.

Unique in addressing two different problems – sound visualization and manipulation – in a unified way Advances in signal processing technology are enabling ever more accurate visualization of existing sound fields and precisely defined sound field production. The idea of explaining both the problem of sound visualization and the problem of the manipulation of sound within one book supports this inter-related area of study. With rapid development of array technologies, it is possible to do much in terms of visualization and manipulation, among other technologies involved with the spatial distribution of sound. This book aims to explore various basic functions for the visualization and manipulation and demonstrate to the reader how these properties determine the quality of visualization and manipulation. The first half of the book introduces some basic and general concepts and theories and the second part of the book explains a number of techniques in sound visualization and manipulation. It offers a unified presentation to two very different topics – sound field visualization techniques based on microphone arrays, and techniques for generation of controlled sound fields using loudspeaker arrays. The authors emphasize the similarities between these two physical problems and between the mathematical methods used for solving them. With extensive examples throughout the book, chapters include: Acoustic Wave Equation and its Basic Physical Measures, Acoustic Wave Equation and its Basic Physical Measures, Basic Theory of Sound Visualization, Acoustic Holography, Beamforming, Basic Theory of Sound Manipulation, Sound Focusing, and Sound Field Reproduction. The first book to combine both the visualization and manipulation of sound technologies in one comprehensive volume Presents the basic concepts using simple one dimensional cases and then extends the concept to three dimensional cases, enabling easier understanding of the fundamental concepts through the use of minimum mathematics Provides a solid understanding of associated physics as well as mathematical concepts for understanding the technologies, addressing diffraction problems in an integrated format by using Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral equation Uses extensive examples demonstrating the benefits and drawbacks of various applications, including beamforming and acoustic holography A valuable resource forpost/graduate students, acoustic engineers, audio and noise control system developers

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Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists. Fundamental Principles and Applications for Biologists, Chemists, Computer Scientists, and Nanotechnologists

Книга  Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists. Fundamental Principles and Applications for Biologists, Chemists, Computer Scientists, and Nanotechnologists созданная Paul  Sanghera может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists. Fundamental Principles and Applications for Biologists, Chemists, Computer Scientists, and Nanotechnologists с идентификатором 31220953 составляет 12158.87 руб.

Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists is a self-contained, comprehensive review of this complex branch of science. The book demystifies difficult concepts and views the subject through non-physics fields such as computer science, biology, chemistry, and nanotechnology. It explains key concepts and phenomena in the language of non-physics majors and with simple math, assuming no prior knowledge of the topic. This cohesive book begins with the wavefunction to develop the basic principles of quantum mechanics such as the uncertainty principle and wave-particle duality. Comprehensive coverage of quantum theory is presented, supported by experimental results and explained through applications and examples without the use of abstract and complex mathematical tools or formalisms. From there, the book: Takes the mystery out of the Schrodinger equation, the fundamental equation of quantum physics, by applying it to atoms Shows how quantum mechanics explains the periodic table of elements Introduces the quantum mechanical concept of spin and spin quantum number, along with Pauli's Exclusion Principle regarding the occupation of quantum states Addresses quantum states of molecules in terms of rotation and vibration of diatomic molecules Explores the interface between classical statistical mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics Discusses quantum mechanics as a common thread through different fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology Each chapter features real-world applications of one or more quantum mechanics principles. «Study Checkpoints» and problems with solutions are presented throughout to make difficult concepts easy to understand. In addition, pictures, tables, and diagrams with full explanations are used to present data and further explain difficult concepts. This book is designed as a complete course in quantum mechanics for senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students in non-physics majors. It also applies to courses such as modern physics, physical chemistry and nanotechnology. The material is also accessible to scientists, engineers, and technologists working in the fields of computer science, biology, chemistry, engineering, and nanotechnology.

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System Design for Telecommunication Gateways

Книга  System Design for Telecommunication Gateways созданная Alexander  Bachmutsky может относится к жанру зарубежная компьютерная литература, программирование. Стоимость электронной книги System Design for Telecommunication Gateways с идентификатором 31232849 составляет 12158.87 руб.

System Design for Telecommunication Gateways provides a thorough review of designing telecommunication network equipment based on the latest hardware designs and software methods available on the market. Focusing on high-end efficient designs that challenge all aspects of the system architecture, this book helps readers to understand a broader view of the system design, analyze all its most critical components, and select the parts that best fit a particular application. In many cases new technology trends, potential future developments, system flexibility and capability extensions are outlined in preparation for the longevity typical for products in the industry. Key features: Combines software and hardware aspects of the system design. Defines components and services supported by open-source and commercial basic and extended software platforms, including operating systems, middleware, security, routing, management layer and more. Focuses on disruptive technologies. Provides guidelines for developing software architectures based on multi-threaded, multi-process, multi-instance, multi-core, multi-chip, multi-blade and multi-chassis designs. Covers a number of advanced high-speed interconnect and fabric interface technologies and their commercial implementations. Presents different system form factors from compact pizza-box styles to medium and large bladed systems, including IBM BladeCenter, ATCA and microTCA-based chassis. Describes different mezzanine cards, such as PMC, PrPMC, XMC, AMC and others.

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Скачать ОнЛайн материалы автора Alexander Bachmutsky на устройства FB2 EPUB TXT RTF PDF HTML MOBI форматы. Цена от бесплатной до выставленной и в данном случае стоимость скачивания составляет 12158.87 руб.

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